Our story so far.


The Brand

AniAniGoods is a vibrant anime creative community specializing in anime-themed light-up paintings, acrylic stands, pendants, and liquid shakers. We bring together anime enthusiasts from all backgrounds, each contributing their unique skills to our growing platform.

We are committed to continuous innovation, constantly designing and updating a diverse range of anime merchandise. Our ultimate goal is to create a paradise for anime and gaming lovers. No matter your anime preferences, we strive to bring your favorite styles to life with our creative touch.


We also offer free customization for various product categories, such as personalized designs for light-up paintings. Our mission is to establish an anime co-creation company where everyone can contribute to and celebrate their love for anime!

Contact Us

Telephone: +44 7536238152

Instagram: @aniani.goods

TikTok: @aniani.goods

Our Team

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    Haoting Wang

    Creative Director

    Anime merchandise offers endless possibilities! We strive to faithfully recreate iconic character moments and bring 2D characters to life.
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    Xingyuan Feng

    Creative Director

    I feel a sense of solitude in the current anime market, so I’m starting a revolution for anime characters! Every familiar or unknown character deserves to be seen by all!
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    Yufei Zhu

    Content Director&Media Producer

    I love collecting manga, photography, and video editing! I hope to share my joy with others through photos and videos!
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